I/O Network Administration

Complete Support for Businesses

Every business is different and each has it's own unique technology needs.  We provide customized support to accommodate.  We're happy to discuss your specific needs.  

This list is the most common services requested by our clients.

    - Remote user support                          - On-site support
    - Network Monitoring                             - Server monitoring
    - End point monitoring                           - Malicious traffic monitoring
    - Systems and user administration        - Cabling issues
    - Network and Wifi setup                       - Remote employee access
    - Firewalls                                              - VM's
    - NAS                                                     - IP Cameras
    - Troubleshoot and Identify issues         - Consulting
    - Phish testing / training                         - Server maintenance
    - Backups                                               - Ad and Porn blocking

Residential Support

We provide remote support via phone/chat and/or remote access software for any technical issue, as well as remote computer health monitoring. 

We support everything from setting up your home network to navigating issues with students attending school from home.  We also
 provide in-home support when needed for clients in the Idaho Falls and surrounding area.

Remote support may require an active internet connection. Some services may require additional hardware or software to be purchased by the client. 
Support services may require additional software to be installed on the client systems. Geographical restrictions may apply to service calls.